With an hour to go, here are the standings:
1. #5 Rogue Squadron, Nissan - 307 laps
2. #3 Squirrels of Fury, VW - 298
3. #70 Pole Position, Toyota - 296
4. #91 Super Troopers, Mustang - 294
5. #20 Surfing School, Miata - 293
6. #7 Cone Damage, Miata - 293
7. #11 Firechicken, Firebird - 292
8. #47 Pistons overrated, Mazda - 291
9. #45 Formula Roadster, Datsun - 289
10. #99 Eh! Team, Honda - 287
11. #94 Partridge Family, Protege - 287
12. #58 Friends of Paul Bunyan, BMW - 287
#72 was towed in after an alternator failure and subsequent battery drainage. They made repairs and are back on track. They also had to repair a leaky oil pan; a weld failed and they have tried to patch it with silicone and duct tape. We'll see if she holds.
#51 still trying to build one engine from two.
#29 Produnk Miata: "Driver made a bad decision trying to pass another car on the outside. It was a place I knew I shouldn't have been, but went there anyway. Damaged the suspension to the point where we couldn't continue." They hope to make repairs in time for Sunday's run.
#43 Richard Petty & the Parts Breakers, Mazda RX7/V8 got into a squeeze play with another competitor and met a wall. The front tires now point in different directions. They are done for the evening.
#77 Response Time Racing, Eagle Talon, out with a gearbox full of neutral. They had been losing gears through the day, down to just 2nd and 5th, finally 0th. During the course of the race they replaced an axle and a muffler, fixed a broken header twice, and made a transmission drain plug out of a wad duct tape.
#79 Shift Autosport, Dodge Omni. Spark plug broke off in cylinder #2.
#24 Asphalt Mafia, BMW 535i. Got bumped from behind which caused the car to a spin into a concrete barrier.
What happened to #99 Eh team?